Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sons of Mothers.

Saturday is over. Obviously Sunday is ticking . It's around 1 o' clock. And I have a lot of assignments to complete before I go off to sleep. But I feel like writing. Writing or typing, it's the same thing nowadays. I don't know who but someone is playing Requiem For A Dream soundtrack, and as always usual, it's hitting me, hitting me more that a patch of nicotine. Music has that power, power to make you feel, power to drown you in the sea of feelings, power to show you different colors of life. Music is, actually, more than that. 
You are on which side...?
          Before writing this, I was reading an article in The Guardian, it was related to the gruesome act of Gang rape in Delhi. It's a long, detailed article but it speaks truth. It shows the very clear lines of difference in India. Well I am not here to contaminate this article by passing my irrelevant judgments. 
          Friday the 13th, it was Dave Mustaine's, Megadeth Frontman, birthday. But this Friday was made special by the famous judgement given by the sessions court, death sentence to all four convicts. I saw most of us were quite comfortable with his judgement, they were happy and in a way celebrating it as day of justice. I personally think this judgement is biased. We cornered this act of rape in the category of ' Rarest of rare' without realizing the price we are going to pay for it. Just because the girl died in this case, the case became a special one ( I feel ashamed while saying this ). This means that when a four- year old is raped, it's not a rare case. When a seventy year old is raped, it's not a rare case. There are many cases where women are raped again and again in their own house and then asked to live in the same house beneath the eyes of the same person ( or persons). Is it not rare or is it very common that we ignore it so comfortably..? Ignorance is Bliss. Fuck it. It's not bliss always. Just look around yourself and you will see many girls,women and small kids ( girls and boys both) are raped daily. Just because it's so common, we ignore it.
        Don't categorize these crimes.Next time when a man will rape a woman, he will think that he did a small crime ( BTW he won't think ), he didn't kill her physically but just raped her. Those four men are not exceptional . They did the same thing which all rapists do. Sadly, our Judiciary lost an opportunity to spread the message that RAPE IS VERY COMMON IN INDIA,WE HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT. It should have done something concrete not just some death sentence which will vaporize soon. It's like we have to live this quite rage which is inside our head. And nurture these demons present in our society. Sometimes these demons themselves don't know that they are demon, that is the most dangerous part. 
   I am sad that we are glorifying this hollow judgement.

#nowPlaying Breaking The Law - Judas Priest.

Saturday, June 15, 2013



I don't know what am I doing here, what am I going to write and what am I thinking. It's all random. Random like life. Yes, life, at least to me, looks like some random thing to me. Random because it has no fixed shape, no fixed destination ( I know we all are going to die one day and all that bullshit ) and many such aspects. Is life bitch because Karma is bitch or Is life bitch because we behave like bitch..? I don't have any answers, I only have my own set of questions( which are also random). How random is everything..? Isn't..? Randomly our parents met. Randomly some sperm got selected and randomly we came upon this planet. Randomly we met few people in our life. And randomly that special person too. Yes, everyone has that random but special one in their life. And randomly things go upside down and randomly you end up writing on some blog, some random shit at some random nocturnal hour.

BUT somethings are fixed. Some very important aspects of our life are fixed. Some of our decisions ( actually most of them) are fixed because we are compelled to take them. Randomness is bliss. And this is not liked by them. By 'THEM' I mean this society, it's members,all societal cliches and many such related things.

Ok. I think I should stop writing here. Otherwise I will start writing the same old story. You know what I mean..;)